The 19th Korea-Japan Meeting on Neutron Science

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The 19th Korea-Japan Meeting on Neutron Science


2024/10/13 (Sun) 09:30 ~ 19:00


In the midst of global technological innovations such as the construction of new neutron facilities, the international collaborations among the existing facilities have been emphasized.
The first meeting was held at KEK Tsukuba Campus in 2000 as the “Japan-Korea Neutron Scattering Research Exchange Meeting”, and has been held annually since then, with the hosts changing between Japan and Korea.
The face-to-face meeting has been suspended since COVID-19, but this year the Japanese Society for Neutron Science (JSNS) is hosting the meeting in Japan in order to resume the meeting at the request of Korean Nuclear Society.
Since the meeting will be held after the restart of JRR-3, Japanese and Korean researchers will give talks and discuss the latest neutron scattering research in a wide range of fields such as solid state physics, soft matter, liquids, instrument development, and industrial applications.
In addition, facility reports on J-PARC MLF, JRR-3, and the Korean research reactor HANARO will also be presented.


Sunday, 13 October 2024, 9:30 – 19:00


AYA’S LABORATORY  Quantum Beam Research Center 2F  Conference Room


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JPY 13,000 (tax included)
This includes the Banquet fee (JPY3,000).

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Deadlines for Registration and Payment

27 September 2024 (JST)


9:00- Registration
Opening Chair: Yukinobu Kawakita
9:30-9:40 Welcome address from JSNS Yoshie Otake (RIKEN)
9:40-9:50 Welcome address from KNBUA Sungyun Park (Pusan Nat’l Univ.)
9:50-10:10 The history of Korea-Japan meeting Hideki Seto (KEK)
Session 1 – Facility Reports Chair: Sungyun Park
10:10-10:25 Current status of HANARO Neutron Beam Facility Young-Soo Han (KAERI)
10:25-10:40 Current status of MLF at J-PARC Toshiya Otomo (KEK)
10:40-10:55 Current status of JRR-3 at JAEA Kenji Nakajima (JAEA)
10:55-11:10 Coffee Break
Session 2 – Hard Matter&Instrumentation Chair: Takatsugu Masuda and Jae-Ho Chung
11:10-11:35 Inelastic neutron scattering of in van der Waals honeycomb magnets Jae-Ho Chung (Korea Univ)
11:35-12:00 Magnetic order and excitations in quasicrystal approximants Kazuhiro Nawa (Tohoku Univ)
12:00-12:25 Neutron imaging system using Cyclotron Myungkook Moon (KAERI)
12:25-12:50 Local magnetic structural analysis on frustrated magnets using magnetic pair distribution function Katsuaki Kodama (JAEA)
12:50-13:50 Lunch (& Business Meeting @AQBRC or Tokai Bld. No1)
13:50-15:05 Poster Session (and Coffee)
Session 3 – Soft & Bio Matter Chair: Hiroyuki Aoki and Sungmin Choi
15:05-15:30 Quantitative pore analysis using small angle scattering for secondary battery electrode materials Hyeong Min Jin (Chungnam Nat’l Univ)
15:30-15:55 Neutron reflectometry at electrochemical liquid/liquid interfaces and single-step deuteration of ionic liquids Kosuke Ishii (Kyoto Univ)
15:55-16:20 Neutron reflectometry for Langmuir monolayers of surface-active polymer nanoparticles Seyoung Kim (Dankook Univ)
16:20-16:45 Neutron crystallography of bacterial copper amine oxidase: Real active-site structures based on the positions of hydrogen atoms Toshihide Okajima (Osaka Univ)
16:45-17:00 Coffee Break
Session 4 – Enginnering and Material Science Chair: Takahisa Shobu and Jongyul Kim
17:00-17:25 Deep penetration capability and microstructure analyses in metals Wan Chuk Woo (KAERI)
17:25-17:50 Measurements of residual stress and crystallographic texture of engineering materials Pingguang Xu (JAEA)
17:50-18:15 Neutron imaging and grating interferometry for material science Seung Wook Lee (Pusan Nat’l Univ)
18:15-18:40 Atomic arrangement in hydrogen storage materials using neutron total scattering and reverse Monte Carlo method Kazutaka Ikeda (CROSS)
18:40-19:00 Closing
  Announce for Next Conference Takashi Honda and Seung Wook Lee
  Closing address
19:00- Banquet (Uoyasu)

Sponsored by

JSNS (The Japanese Society for Neutron Science)

Co-sponsored by

JSNS (The Japanese Society for Neutron Science)
CROSS (Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society)
Ibaraki Prefecture
ISSP (The Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo)
JAEA Materials Sciences Resrarch Center
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
Korean Nuclear Society (KNS)
The Korean Neutron Beam User’s Association (KNBUA)

Organizing committee

Takashi Honda (KEK, chair)
Yukinobu Kawakita (JAEA)
Ryoji Kiyanagi (JAEA)
Kazuki Ohishi (CROSS)
Seung Wook Lee (Pusan Nat’l Univ.)

Program committee

Kenji Nakajima (JAEA, chair)
Hiroyuki Aoki (JAEA)
Koji Kaneko (JAEA)
Takahisa Shobu (JAEA)
Takatsugu Masuda (Univ. of Tokyo)
Jongyul Kim (KAERI)
Seung Wook Lee (Pusan Nat’l Univ.)


E-mail: 19th_KJ-meeting[at] *Please replace [at] with @.

AYA’S LABORATORY  Quantum Beam Research Center 2F  Conference Room

AQBRC Bldg, 162-1 Shirakata, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki JAPAN 319-1106 日本

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The 19th Korea-Japan Meeting on Neutron Science

2024/10/13 (Sun) 09:30 ~ 19:00

AYA’S LABORATORY  Quantum Beam Research Center 2F  Conference Room

AQBRC Bldg, 162-1 Shirakata, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki JAPAN 319-1106 日本