MLF’s suspension of operations due to the pandemic of COVID-19


MLF’s suspension of operations due to the pandemic of COVID-19

Dear MLF Users,

Considering the pandemic of COVID-19, MLF suspended users visit from April 8. The situation of pandemic is still unpredictable, and, therefore, we decided a temporal close of the facility operation from April 20 until at least May 10.

Our current policy is that users’ experiments which were cancelled due to the impact of COVID-19 are guaranteed to be carried out in future. However, progress of the situation causes us to reconsider this current policy. We will let you know about the new policy sometime after resuming our user program.

The call for proposals for 2020B was originally scheduled to start in mid-April, but we decided to postpone the call to mid-June or later. We will be announcing the new schedule by mid-May.

We apologize for any of your inconvenience, your understanding is highly appreciated.

Division Head, Materials & Life Science Division Toshiya Otomo
Contact information: mlf-covid19[at]
Please replace “[at]” with “@”