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J-PARC Workshop 2022, Deuterium Science Entering a New Phase

2023-1-19 (Thu) - 2023-1-20 (Fri)


Objective of the meeting

Deuterium labeling methods are widely used in isotope-sensitive research techniques such as neutron scattering and NMR. Deuterium labeling is an important technique to control the scattering contrast in neutron scattering research. Aiming at accelerating the development of deuteration activities, an international workshop “Deuterium Science Entering a New Phase” will be held as a J-PARC Workshop. In this workshop, we invite experts in deuterium labeling and its application to neutron scattering research from Japan and abroad to discuss the recent research topics and findings, and to further promote deuterium labeling research at J-PARC.

Date and time(Japan Standard Time)

Thursday, January. 19, 12:00-17:20
Friday, January. 20, 9:00-16:00



Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, Tokai, Japan.

※Tokai Vill. bus service (by Ibaraki kotsu Co.)


January 19th

12:00—13:00 Reception
13:00—13:10 Opening & Introduction of J-PARC MLF T. Otomo (KEK/J-PARC Center)
Plenary Session 1
Chair:S. Mori (Ibaraki Univ.)
13:10—13:50 Updates and Recent Advancements from ANSTO’s National Deuteration Facility T. A. Darwish (ANSTO-NDF)
Coffee Break and Group Photo (13:50-14:10)
Plenary Session 2
Chair: K. Akutsu (CROSS)
14:10—14:50 Catalytic Chemoselective α-Deuteration of Carboxylic Acids T. Ohshima (Kyushu Univ.)
14:50—15:30 Quantum Multi-Component Molecular Theory for Hydrogen Bonded System and its H/D Isotope Effect, M. Tachikawa (Yokohama City Univ.)
Coffee Break (15:30-15:50)
Science Session_1_Chemistry
Chair:N. L Yamada (KEK)
15:50—16:20 Deuterated malonamide synthesis to probe interfacial mechanisms involved in solvent extraction process M. Cyril (JAEA)
16:20—16:50 Insight into Amphiphilic Random Copolymer Self-Assemblies by Small-Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry (Zoom) T. Terashima (Kyoto Univ.)
Plenary Session 3 (Zoom)
Chair:H. Sajiki (Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ.)
17:20—18:00 Hydrogen Isotope Exchange – a key reaction to accelerate Isotope Science in Drug Discovery V. Derdau (Sanofi Germany)

January 20th

Plenary Session 4
Chair:H. Naka (Kyoto Univ.)
9:40—10:20 Protein deuteration and domain ligation for neutron scattering M. Sugiyama (Kyoto Univ.)
Coffee Break (10:20-10:40)
Science Session_2_ Biology
Chair:M. Sugiyama (Kyoto Univ.)
10:40—11:10 Methods of uniform or site-specific deuteration of proteins and their applications to NMR analyses T. Ikegami (Yokohama City Univ.)
11:10—11:40 Chemical protein synthesis and its application T. Yoshiya (Peptide Institute Inc.)
Lunch Time (11:40-12:40)
Poster Session (12:40-14:00)
Science Session_3_ Industry (Japanese Session)
Chair:T. Ikawa (Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ.)
14:00—14:15 Heavy water recycling for producing deuterium compounds Y. Tsutsumi (FC Development)
14:15—14:30 Basic of qNMR – Introduction of Proposed Revisions to the USP NMR General Chapters <761> and <1761> – T. Miura (FUJIFILM Wako/USP qNMR EP)
14:30—14:45 Custom Synthesis of Deuterated Compounds for Deuterium in Drug Discovery and Development, OLED Materials and others H. Sonoda (i Chemical Lab)
Report from J-PARC MLF
Chair:M. Adachi (QST)
14:50—15:10 Current Status of J-PARC MLF Deuteration Laboratory, H. Aoki (JAEA/J-PARC Center)
15:10—15:30 Free Discussion
15:40—16:00 Summary talk & Closing H. Sajiki (Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ.)


The registration form is open from Nov. 28th to Jan. 13th.

Organizing Institution

Sponsored by Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) Center, https://j-parc.jp/c/en/index.html

Co-sponsored by Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS),https://neutron.cross.or.jp/en/
                 J-PARC MLF Users Society

In cooperation with Basis for Supporting Innovative Drug Discovery and Life Science Research(BINDS)
                   The Japanese Society for Process Chemistry
                   Frontier Research Center for Applied Atomic Sciences, Ibaraki University
                   Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University

Organizing Committee

<Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), J-PARC Center>
  H. Aoki, T. Otomo, T. Oku, Y. Kawakita, C. Shibazaki

  K. Akutsu, M. Ueda, M. Shibayama

<National Institute for Quantum Science and Technology (QST)>
  M. Adachi, S. Fujiwara

<Gifu Pharmaceutical University>
  H. Sajiki

<Kyoto University>
  M. Sugiyama

<Yokohama City University>
   M. Tachikawa

<Ibaraki University>
  S. Mori

Past Events

1) J-PARC Workshop “Neutron Biology for Next Generation”, March 22nd-23rd, 2017, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center     Tokai, Japan.
    Summary: JAEA-Review 2017-024, J-PARC 17-03, DOI:10.11484/jaea-review-2017-024

2) J-PARC Workshop “Deuterated Materials Enhancing Neutron Science for Structure Function Applications”; October
    19th-20th, 2017, Ibaraki Quantum Beam Research Center, Tokai, Japan.
    Web site: https://neutron.cross.or.jp/ja/events/v17015/
    Summary: JAEA-Review 2018-002, J-PARC 17-06, DOI:10.11484/jaea-review-2018-002

3) Workshop “Meeting on Deuterium Labeled Compound for Neutron Science”, November 15th, 2018, Ibaraki Quantum Beam     Research Center, Tokai, Japan.
    Web site: https://neutron.cross.or.jp/ja/events/v18019/

4) J-PARC Workshop “Deuterium Labeling Study for Neutron Science”, January 15th-16th, 2019, Ibaraki Quantum Beam
    Research Center, Tokai, Japan.
    Web site: https://neutron.cross.or.jp/ja/events/190115-16/

Future Events

1) J-PARC Workshop 2023 (Jan. 2024)


Kazuhiro Akutsu (CROSS)
    TEL: 029-219-5300
    E-mail: k_akutsu[at]cross.or.jp *Please replace [at] with @.


2023-1-19 (Thu)
2023-1-20 (Fri)
Event Category: