開催趣旨(Objective of the meeting)
January 15th
12:00 – 13:30 | Reception |
13:30 – 13:40 | Opening & Introduction of J-PARC MLF T. Kanaya (KEK/J-PARC Center) |
13:40 – 13:50 | Introduction of J-PARC MLF Users Society for Deuterium Labeled Materials H. Sajiki (Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ.) |
Plenary Session 1, Chair:H. Sajiki (Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ.) | |
13:50 – 14:40 | Advances of Deuterium Labelling at the Australian National Deuteration Facility T. A. Darwish (ANSTO-NDF) |
14:40 – 15:00 | Coffee Break |
Science Session_1_Chemistry, Chair:K. Akutsu (CROSS) | |
15:00 – 15:30 | Transition Metal-Catalyzed Synthesis of Deuterated Aryl Compounds M. Kuriyama (Nagasaki Univ) |
15:30 – 16:00 | Dynamics of Imidazolium Ionic Liquid O. Yamamuro (Univ. of Tokyo) |
16:00 – 16:30 | SANS analysis of Internal Structure of Supramolecular Nanofiber I. Akiba (Univ. of Kitakyushu) |
Science Session_2_ Industry (Japanese Session), Chair:T. Miyazaki (CROSS) | |
16:30 – 17:00 | Introduction of Iwatani Deuterium Business S. Ohkawa (Iwatani Co., Ltd.) |
17:00 – 17:30 | Introduction of Shoko Science R. Sato (Shoko Science Co., Ltd.) |
18:30 – | Dinner at Hakkaku |
January 16th
Science Session_3_ Biology, Chair:M. Adachi (QST) | |
9:00 – 9:30 | Structural analysis of protein complex utilizing inverse contrast matching SANS M. Sugiyama (Kyoto Univ.) |
9:30 – 10:00 | Dynamical behavior of water between phospholipid membranes T. Yamada (CROSS) |
10:00 – 10:30 | Protein deuteration for small angle neutron scattering T. Oda (Yokohama City Univ.) |
10:30-11:00 | Coffee Break and Group Photo |
Plenary Session 2, Chair:K. Akutsu (CROSS) | |
11:00 – 11:50 | Deuterium Substitution in Soft Materials: Subtle Changes with Huge Implications Kunlun Hong (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) |
11:50 – 13:00 | Lunch Time |
Science Session_4_ Polymer Science, Chair:H. Aoki (JAEA/KEK/J-PARC Center) | |
13:00 – 13:30 | Polymer analysis using SANS A. Takano (Nagoya Univ.) |
13:30 – 14:00 | Polymer analysis using NR D. Kawaguchi (Kyusyu Univ.) |
Report from J-PARC MLF, Chair:Y. Kawakita (J-PARC Center/JAEA) | |
14:00 – 14:20 | Current Status of J-PARC MLF Deuteration Laboratory H. Aoki (JAEA・KEK/J-PARC Center) |
14:20 – 14:40 | Current Status of the Small and Wide Angle Neutron Scattering Instrument (TAIKAN) at J-PARC S. Takata (JAEA/J-PARC Center) |
14:40 – 15:00 | Current Status of neutron reflectometer BL16 SOFIA at J-PARC MLF and its applications utilizing deuterated materials F. Nemoto (KEK/J-PARC Center) |
15:00 – 15:05 | Closing T. Kanaya (KEK/J-PARC Center) |
15:10 – 17:00 | Site visit to J-PARC |
金谷利治(J-PARCセンター)、川北至信(J-PARCセンター)、青木裕之(J-PARCセンター)、大原 高志(J-PARCセンター)
高田 慎一(J-PARCセンター)、安達 基泰(QST)、宮﨑 司(CROSS)、阿久津 和宏(CROSS)、佐治木 弘尚(岐阜薬科大学)
中川 洋(JAEA)、田中 伊知朗(茨城大学)
J-PARC センター
共 催
J-PARC MLF利用者懇談会
後 援
阿久津 和宏
茨城県東海村白方162-1いばらき量子ビーム研究センター A307
TEL: 029-219-5310 Ext:3410
E-mail: k_akutsu[at]cross.or.jp([at]を@に置き換えてください)