Announcement of the J-PARC MLF 2015A General Use Proposal Round
Call for Proposals
CROSS-Tokai is pleased to announce that the 2015A General Use proposal round will be open from Friday 17 October 2014.
Researchers wishing to conduct experiments at any of the MLF Public Beamlines during 2015A (April – November 2015) are invited to submit proposals via the J-PARC Proposal Submission System by the deadline below:
2015A General Use Proposal Submission Deadline:
17:00 (JST) Friday 7 November 2014
Public Beam line neutron instruments available in 2015A at a glance…
Neutron Diffraction
- BL11 PLANET – Structural analysis of materials under high pressure
- BL18 SENJU – Extreme environment single crystal diffraction
Neutron Spectroscopy
Nano-structure analysis (Reflectometry and SANS)
- BL15 TAIKAN – Small and wide angle neutron scattering
- BL17 SHARAKU – Polarized neutron reflectometer (vertical geometry)
Neutron Imaging
- BL22 RADEN – Energy resolved neutron imaging system
see here for more details and beamline contacts.
- From this round, the assessment of proposals will take into account whether Experiment Reports for previous beamtime allocations have been submitted as required. Penalties may apply if reports are outstanding.
- Please see these important safety considerations before submitting your proposal.
- Students cannot be the Principal Investigator on a proposal. See here for more information on applicant eligibility.
- Expected beam power in 2015A is 600 kW.
- Demand on the Proposal Submission System is typically very high on the day that applications close. You are strongly recommended to submit your proposal well in advance of the deadline.
- Again in the 2015A proposal round, applicants will be asked to indicate if their research has affinity with the Japanese national priority research areas as identified in the Elements Strategy Initiative .Similarly, applicants will be asked if their proposed research includes, or is likely to include in the future, the complementary use of other major research facilities such as, but not limited to, synchrotron radiation sources (SPring-8, PF etc.), the K computer, or other quantum beam facilities.If either of the above applies to your proposal, please indicate by marking the relevant tick box and adding a brief description as requested.
Other important information
- Eligibility criteria [Who can apply for beamtime at the MLF?]
- Trial Use Access Program
- The proposal submission and assessment system
- Proprietary Access
Contact us
J-PARC Center Users Office
IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center, 162-1 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan
T : +81-29-284-3398
F : +81-29-284-3286
E : j_proposal*ml.j-parc.jp