Announcement of the J-PARC MLF User Program for 2013B

Announcement of the J-PARC MLF User Program for 2013B

* The new submission deadline is on Monday 8 July 2013.

Call for Proposals

J-PARC Center and CROSS-Tokai are pleased to announce the Call for General Use Proposals to use the neutron and muon beamlines at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of J-PARC in the 2013B operations period.

This Call for Proposals also includes the Complementary Use Proposal Program operated jointly by CROSS-Tokai (J-PARC MLF) and JASRI (SPring-8). [More information]

2013B Operations Period:
February 2014 – March 2014[See Schedule ]

Users wishing to conduct experiments at any of the MLF neutron or muon beamlines should submit a proposal via the online J-PARC Proposal Submission System  – now accepting 2013B applications.

Proposal Submission Deadline:
17:00 (JST) Monday 8 July 2013

What’s new this round?

IMPORTANT NOTE: A list of research topics grouped according to the new review structure has been compiled. Applicants are encouraged to view the list and use it as a guide during proposal submission.

Instruments Available in 2013B

More Information

Please follow the links below for more information about the MLF User Program.

Contact us

J-PARC Center Users Office
IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center, 162-1 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan
T : +81-29-284-3398
F : +81-29-284-3286
E : j_proposal*