Public Beamline Access
CROSS-Tokai manages and supports the user program on the six neutron Public Beamlines at J-PARC MLF. Consistent with the CROSS-Tokai mission of providing open access and promoting facility utilization, there are six modes by which beamtime on the Public Beamlines can be allocated.
- General Use
General Use access works in exactly the same way for the Public Beamlines as it does for all other MLF instruments. This is the appropriate access mode for most researchers wishing to use the neutron Public Beamlines at J-PARC MLF.
To encourage and provide access to the widest possible range of users, General Use is, in principle, open to all local and international researchers who wish to exploit the neutron beams and instruments in their research programs. Proposals are welcomed from researchers with academic, government or private research affiliations. Please see the link below for more information about eligibility criteria.
- Strategic Use
The Public Neutron Beam Facility at J-PARC has been designated by the Japanese Government as one of the key pieces of research infrastructure within the Rare Earths Strategic Initiative. Accordingly, a proportion of the total beamtime on the Public Beamlines has been ear-marked by the Selection Committee to support the research activities of the four centres that comprise the initiative.
- Trial Use
Trial Use is aimed at assisting novice users of neutron-based experimental techniques gain experience and expertise that will allow them to become independent General Use applicants in the future. It may also be used for first-time users of pulsed neutrons to determine experimental feasibility.
The Trial Use framework offers a wide range of services to potential new users including support and guidance provided by a CROSS-Tokai Science Coordinator.
Click here for more information about Trial Use.
- Director’s Discretion
A proportion of the total available beamtime is reserved for allocation at the discretion of the Director of CROSS-Tokai. This time may be allocated to urgent proposals that warrant expedited access or used for approved outreach or education activities of CROSS-Tokai.
- CROSS-Tokai Research
In this access mode, members of the Neutron R&D Division of CROSS-Tokai can apply for beamtime to carry out research aimed at developing and advancing research activity on the Public Beamlines. Proposals with strong scientific objectives that expand the range of facility usage will be assessed and ranked together with General Use proposals.
- Facility Use
To ensure that instruments with the highest possible performance and capability are available to users, this access mode allows for beamtime to be allocated to members of the beamline group to carry out work associated with the maintenance, development and testing of the instruments. This access mode also facilitates the use of beamlines for approved research projects of the beamline owner organization (JAEA).