Trial Use Access System 2012B

Trial Use Access System

A key component of the CROSS-Tokai mission is to promote the use of, and facilitate access to, the neutron Public Beamlines at J-PARC MLF. In addition to providing information and a consultation service, CROSS-Tokai is always looking for new ways to assist potential users. With this motivation, starting from the 2012B operations period, CROSS-Tokai will be offers the “Trial Use” Access System aimed at helping and encouraging first-time and novice users of pulsed neutron beam facilities.

The “Trial Use” Access System offers to new users complete support in all aspects of beamline use including:


To find out more about the Trial Use Access System or to initiate an application for beamtime using this access mode, please contact the CROSS-Tokai Science Coordinators at CROSShelp.