Announcement of the J-PARC MLF User Program for 2012B
J-PARC Center and CROSS-Tokai are pleased to announce the Call for Proposals to use the neutron and muon beamlines at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility of J-PARC in the 2012B operations period.
2012B Operations Period:
November 2012 – March 2013[See Schedule]
Expected Beam Power:200 kW
Proposal submissions in this round will be accepted from the 17th of May 2012.
Submission Deadline:
17:00 (JST) Thursday the 7th of June 2012
Users wishing to conduct experiments at any of the MLF neutron or muon beamlines during 2012B should submit proposals via the web-based J-PARC Proposal Submission System .
What’s new this round?
In this round, CROSS-Tokai is welcoming for the first time “Trial Use” application to use the MLF Public Beamlines. For more information on this access mode please see the link below.
Applying for Beamtime at the MLF
Click here for gernal information about the MLF User Application Framework and the following links for specific information about:
- Eligibility criteria
- Access modes
- Types of proposals
- Proposal submission and assessment procedures
- Proprietary access
Other Useful Links
Contact us
J-PARC Center Users Office
IBARAKI Quantum Beam Research Center, 162-1 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1106, Japan
T : +81-29-284-3398
F : +81-29-284-3286
E : [email protected]