Users Experiment Preparation Laboratories

Users Experiment Preparation Laboratories

User Experiment Preparation Labs I, II & III

The CROSS User laboratories are available to all J-PARC experimenters. Users wishing to make use of the laboratories are required to submit an application form and get permission at least two weeks before the first day of use. Also, you are required to take a brief (about 30 minutes) safety training when using the room.To arrange this, please contact User Experiment Preparation Labs Team.

User Experiment Preparation Labs Team
E : lab[at] (Please exchange “[at]” for “@”)

User Experiment Preparation Lab I – Sample Processing (IQBRC B401)

User Experiment Preparation Lab I

User Experiment Preparation Lab I (IQBRC Rm B401) is fitted out with a range of equipment for the machining and processing of solid-state samples.

User Experiment Preparation Lab II – Hard Matter (IQBRC B402)

User Experiment Preparation Lab II

User Experiment Preparation Lab II (IQBRC Rm B402) is equipped with a range of facilities and instruments for the preparation and characterization of crystalline and other solid-state samples.

User Experiment Preparation Lab III – Soft Matter and Biomaterials (IQBRC B403)

User Experiment Preparation Lab III

User Experiment Preparation Lab III (IQBRC Rm B403) is equipped as a wet chemistry laboratory for the synthesis, processing and characterization of liquid materials and other soft matter.

Sample preparation area & machine shop for high-pressure experiments (J-PARC Research Building)

This area is used for developing high-pressure techniques and machining ceramics required for it. The area consists of a workspace for the development and a machine shop. The former is utilized for preparation of high-pressure experiments or the offline test of pressure generation. The latter is utilized for machining ceramics used in the high-pressure experiments at J-PARC. In order to use this area, it is necessary to submit an application form and to take safety education in advance. For inquiries concerning submission of application forms and taking safety education etc., please contact a high-pressure experiment preparation area manager (e-mail: hp-lab[at], Please exchange “[at]” for “@”).

User Lounge (IQBRC B404A)

User Lounge

Located next door to the User Data Analysis Room, the User Lounge provides a comfortable and welcoming environment where users can relax and enjoy a coffee (Espresso machine available!) or other drink of choice during their time at J-PARC.

The lounge is also equipped with data projector for meetings and presentations.

Please contact your beamline scientist if you wish to use the facilities in the lounge.

User Data Analysis Room (IQBRC B404B)

User Data Analysis Room

The User Data Analysis Room (UDAR) is fitted out with fully networked computers and software to enable users to visualize and analyze their data while working at the MLF.

Users may also connect their own computers to the local network using the LAN connection points provided in the UDAR.

Persons wishing to make use of the UDAR or connect to the network from there should contact the J-PARC Center Users Office .